Welcome to the Village of Webster!
Currently the population is 694. Elevation is 980 feet and land area is 1.78 square miles. The population density is 370 people per square mile.
The nearest city with a population 50,000+ is Duluth, MN (63.5 miles, population 89,918.)
Webster residents are some of the nicest people you will meet. We would like you to stop by and enjoy the surrounding lakes and activities nearby.
We are a village that cherishes and values our past and we will work together to thoughtfully plan for our future. We hope that you are able to find the information you need here. We invite you to come back often for an online visit.

7461 Main Street West
Webster, WI 54893
Weather facts . . .
Webster-area historical tornado activity is slightly below Wisconsin state average. It is 2% greater than the overall U.S. average. On May 21, 1957, a category 4 (maximum wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado occurred 26.7 miles away from the Webster village center injured 2 people and caused between $5,000 and $50,000 in damages. On June 18, 2001, a category 3 (maximum wind speeds 158-206 mph) tornado occurred 6 miles away from the Webster village center. It killed 2 people and injured 16 people and caused $10 million in damage.
A little history . . .
1880 - The first known settler moved to the Webster area, John (Kjelmo) Chelmo Sr. As population increased there was a need for a central settlement for business. The logical site was the highest ground between the Clam and Yellow River. Much of the area was covered with tamarack swamp and cranberry marsh. This land was owned by three brothers: Peter, John Jr. and Leonard Chelmo.
In 1895, Webster pioneer J.D. Rice and M.H. Carroll petitioned for a post office in M. H. Carroll's store. Congressman John Jenkins sent the petition back as they forgot to send in a name, so they wrote back, "The father of the American Dictionary is good enough for us." "Webster" was born. Mrs. M. H. Carroll was the first postmistress.
1896 - The first Webster Grade School was built.
1897 - The first bridge over the Yellow River was built.
1899 - What was to become State Highway 35 was laid out from the south town line to north of Yellow and Devils Lakes.
1901 - The first creamery was constructed by Magnuson and Company for $559.00, with everything complete.
1906 - The first telephone system was established.
1911 - Another creamery was built at the southwest intersection of Lakeland and Hickory Streets.
1912 - The railroad was built.
1914 - A new Webster grade school, including 9th and 10th grades, was completed.
1916 - December 26, The Village of Webster is incorporated on an order of James C. Jensen, Clerk of Circuit Court.
1917 - January 19, The first election was held.
1917 - January 22, The first Village Board meeting was held.
First village officials were:
Village President - Paul C. Meir
Village Clerk - L. J. Levenick
Trustees - Ed. Hobbs
V. E. Eddy
August Johnson
M. H. Carroll
George Converse
William Anderson