Webster Area Chamber of Commerce Members
If you are a local business owner or organization officer who would like your information to be listed here, we welcome you to join the Webster Area Chamber of Commerce (WACC). Annual dues are $100 payable by July 1. Non-profit annual dues are $50. If you are a non-profit organization and would like to be a non-voting member, there is no charge. Simply complete the membership form.
Membership year is July 1 through June 30. The Chamber meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 11:30am at the Northwest Passage Gallery, one mile south of Webster on State Rd 35.
New or renewing members, please complete this WACC Membership Form, and mail or email it to websterwichamber@gmail.com, you can pay your dues here or mail a check to: Webster Area Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 48, Webster, WI 54893.
7435 Main St W
Webster, WI 54893
25208 State Rd 35
Siren, WI 54872
Jennifer Scammahorn
7417 N Bass Lake Rd
Webster, WI 54893
Pam Wolf, director
8500 County Rd U
Danbury, WI 54830
26356 Lakeland Avenue S
Webster, WI 54893
Webster, WI 54893
Jamie Morales
24006 State Rd 35/70
26601 Lakeland Avenue N, Suite A
Webster, WI 54893
Real estate agency
7387 Industrial Ave
Webster, WI 54893
25947 State Road 35
Webster, WI 54893
Ed & Brad Peterson
5952 Devils Lake Rd
Webster, WI 54893
Jenni Smith
PO Box 57
Siren, WI 54893
Chamber of commerce
Gwen Nies
26455 S Muskey Avenue
Webster, WI 54893
Catholic Church
Betty & Patrick Stuart
27950 Yellow Lake Rd
Webster, WI 54893
Campground and resort