Arts and Culture

Burnett Area Arts Group
Based out of the Northwest Passage Gallery
A 501(C)3 non-profit organization serving the needs of local
and regional adult and youth artists and crafters partnering with the Northwest Passage Gallery to provide a fine arts experience in the northwoods. Meets monthly on the first Monday, 5 p.m. at the Gallery.
Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
Burnett County Historical Society
8500 Co. Rd. U, Danbury, WI
3 miles west off St. Rd. 35 between Danbury and Webster
This is a living history site with two Fur Trade Posts - North West Company and XY Company, reconstructed on the site known to be active from 1802 to 1805. An Ojibwe Village offers insight into Ojibwe life during the time of the fur trade. Several museums, including a logging museum and one-room schoolhouse, showcase other aspects of Wisconsin and Burnett County history.

Northwest Passage Gallery
In A New Light
7417 N. Bass Lake Rd.
One mile south of Webster off St. Rd. 35
Featuring fine photography, visual arts, pottery, jewelry and fiber art
Hours: Sunday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.