2025 Events

Music at the Forts
February 16
Featuring Marty Pearson and Steve Pearson
2 pm at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
$5 admission, snacks and beverages for sale
Indoor Trade and Crafter Fair
February 22-23
10 am - 4 pm at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
Free to attend, food and beverages for sale
Music at the Forts
Sunday, March 2
Featuring Web and Lori
2 pm at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
$5 admission, snacks and beverages for sale

Student Art Show
Opening Night: Friday, March 7, 5-7 pm.
March 8-16, 11 am - 4 pm
Northwest Passage Gallery, 7417 N Bass Lake Rd, Webster WI
This event provides an opportunity to view the talents of outstanding high school art students from 4 school districts: Grantsburg, Webster, Frederic and Luck - in celebration of National Youth Art Month. burnettareaarts@gmail.com, nwpgallery.org, burnettareaartsgroup.org

Music at the Forts
Sunday, March 9
Featuring Steve Vogt
2 pm at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
$5 admission, snacks and beverages for sale

Polka-Fest - American Legion
Sunday, March 9 - 2pm-5pm
Webster Community Center

Music at the Forts
Sunday, March 16
Featuring Clan O'Shay
2 pm at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
$5 admission, snacks and beverages for sale
Music at the Forts
Sunday, March 23
Featuring Dan & Julie Zimmer
2 pm at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
$5 admission, snacks and beverages for sale
Music at the Forts
Sunday, March 30
Featuring Al Parson
2 pm at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
$5 admission, snacks and beverages for sale
Music at the Forts
Sunday, April 6
Featuring Leny Davis
2 pm at Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park
$5 admission, snacks and beverages for sale

WACC Spring Social
Thursday, April 10 - 5pm
Route 35 Bar & Grill - More details coming soon!

Taco Bingo
Saturday, April 12
Tacos 4:30-6:00 pm.; Bingo 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Webster Middle/High School, 7564 W Alder St, Webster WI

Invest in Webster Schools and have some fun as well! Many Prizes and Raffle Baskets. Contact wef@webster.k12.wi.us for more information, websteref.org.

The Art of Sales
Northwest Passage Gallery, 7417 N Bass Lake Rd, Webster WI
Often as artists, we are reluctant to promote our creative work. We feel that our art should “sell itself”. Rachel Fiedler, artist and entrepreneur, will present why art sales strategies should be part of your tool kit. Self-promotion and art promotion are key factors in selling art. She will discuss topics pertaining to personal art goals, social media, and pricing. Whether you are a hobbyist or a seasoned professional, there will be plenty to learn. Private consultations are availble before and after class at an additional cost. The cost is $50; to sign up online, visit burnettareaartsgroup.org/classes. burnettareaarts@gmail.com, nwpgallery.org.

Earth Arts Spring Art Tour
Northwest Passage Gallery, 7417 N Bass Lake Rd, Webster WI
Driving around Northwest Wisconsin gets you to the various studios and galleries hosting our Earth Arts members. We hope you enjoy this fun event and the wonderful art that will be on display. burnettareaarts@gmail.com, nwpgallery.org, burnettareaartsgroup.org

Webster Arts & Crafts Extravaganza
Saturday, May 24
9 a.m. - 4 p.m., rain or shine
Webster High School Football Field, 7564 W Alder St, Webster WI

Largest annual one-day show in Burnett County! 100+ Arts & Crafts vendors. Food, free admission and parking. Contact websterwichamber@gmail.com for more information.

Lake Country Pedalers

Rides of Summer rides start at 9am - June 7,14,21,28 July 12,19,26 August 2,9,16,23,30

Rides of Autumn rides start at 10am - September 6,13,20,27 October 4,11,18,25

Thursday lunch rides start at 10:30 am - June 12 July 10  August 14

Tuesday dinner rides start at 5pm - June 24 July 22  August 26

Burnett Arts Festival
Saturday, June 21
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Northwest Passage Gallery, located at the corner of N Bass Lake Rd and Hwy 35, one mile south of Webster.
Celebrating Burnett Area Arts Group 20th Anniversary.
Music, food, make & takes, family fun, prize drawings. Admission is free.  More information Burnett Area Arts website

July 4th Celebration & Parade
Friday, July 4 at 1:30 p.m. on Main Street, Webster, WI

July 4th Fireworks 
Celebrating the Fourth of July on Saturday, July 5th
Music, Food & Beverages starts around 7:00 p.m.  Fireworks at Dusk
Central Burnett County Fairgrounds, Webster, WI 54893

Webster All School Reunion
July 17, Check in begins at 11 am, lunch at 1 pm
At Salty Steer (formerly The Fishbowl) in Danbury
$25 if registered and paid by June 15, $30 if registered and paid June 16-20.  $35 at the event.
Contact Dennis Quinn dpquinn56@gmail.com.

Arts Alive on 35
Outdoors at Passage Art Gallery, located at the corner of N Bass Lake Rd and Hwy 35, one mile south of Webster. Admission is free. More information Burnett Area Arts website

27th Annual Gandy Dancer Days
Friday, August 8 - Sunday, August 10
Central Burnett County Fairgrounds, Webster, WI

Free Admission - food, live music, children's games, pickleball , craft show.
Bicycle Safety Roadeo, pony rides, skillet toss, 5K, adult bike ride.
Lion's Bake Sale, Grace UMC Pie Social and Sloppy Joes, library book sale, car races.

For info, call 715-566-1356 or email websterwichamber@gmail.com

Gandy Dancer 5K
Saturday, August 9

Pre-registration online at the link below is preferred, but you can register from 7 to 8:15 a.m. that morning. Adults start at 8:30; kids start at 9:30. Registration is at the track under the grandstands. All races start and finish on the track.
WebsterCCRunWalk Pre-Registration
Gandy Dancer Trail, Webster Middle/High School, 7564 W Alder St, Webster WI


Saturday, August 23
12 noon - 4pm
Central Burnett County Fairgrounds, Webster
Food, beer, Dan Zimmer Band, River City Cloggers, admission $10.

Sturgeon Fest

Saturday, September 6th
Details coming soon!

Buff and Brag Car Show
Sunday, September 14, 10 am - 2 pm
Webster's St. Croix Health Clinic on Hwy 35, south parking lot

Open to any type of vehicle – if it has wheels and a motor, you’re good to go!  Pre-register your vehicle here.  Questions? Call or text Ed Dedman at (763) 339-9782, ededman56@gmail.com

Free to exhibitors and attendees.  Pop, water, and chips for sale.

Central Burnett County Fair
Friday-Sunday, September 12 - 14, 8am
Webster Fairgrounds, located 2 blocks west of Hwy 35 on W Alder/Fairgrounds Rd at the intersection of Sturgeon Ave S, Webster, WI

Carnival, midway, music, lawnmower derby, demo derby, horse showdeo, car show, food vendors, pancake breakfast, beer garden. For more information, visit cbcfair.org.

Fall Art Happening
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Outdoors at Passage Art Gallery, located at the corner of N Bass Lake Rd and Hwy 35, one mile south of Webster. Admission is free. More information Burnett Area Arts website

Mixed Sampler Quilt Guild Annual Show
Saturday-Sunday, October 11-12
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Webster High School, Webster, WI
Admission: $5.00 (under 12 free), vendors, boutique, quilt appraisals and on-site café, mixedsampler@gmail.com

Trunk or Treat
Friday, October 31, 4-6 p.m.
Webster Fairgrounds, located 2 blocks west of Hwy 35 on W Alder/Fairgrounds Rd
Bring your children in costume and trick-or-treat.
To help with the planning of this event, if you will be handing out treats,
please tell the Webster Police Dept. 715-866-4466 or websterpd@sirentel.net
Click here for Trunk-or-Treat Photos

Christmas at The Forts
Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park, Danbury, WI, 3 miles west of Hwy 35 on Cty Rd U, between Danbury & Webster
Fun for the whole family! Free Admission, 715-349-8989, theforts.org

Holly Day! with Burnett Area Arts
Northwest Passage Gallery, 7417 N Bass Lake Rd, Webster WI, 1 mile south of Webster on Hwy 35
Free admission/parking. The day includes make & take art projects, letters to Santa, live music, Holiday treats. Meet local artists and shop for gifts.
More information Burnett Area Arts website, burnettareaarts@gmail.com.

Santa Day
Saturday, December 13
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Larsen Family Public Library, 7401 Main St W, Webster, WI

Treats, refreshments, photo opportunities! Free